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작성자 Noor E RAIHAN N…
댓글 0 Answers 조회 828 View 작성일 24-04-29 18:18


Author information

Name Noor E RAIHAN N…
Phone number 017-9745-4441

Inquiry content

Let us introduce ourselves as a leading indenting house in Bangladesh specialized in pharmaceutical chemicals & intermediates along with the experience of several years. We are representing a very good number of internationally reputed companies from India, China, Asia and Europe and securing a good volume of business with the complete satisfaction of our principals. Our strong collaboration with all of Bangladesh's leading pharmaceutical companies has yielded positive results over the course of several years.

We are frequently receiving inquiries for several API’s & intermediates from our different customers. As a part of that practice, at presently we have the inquiries of the following products to be sourced for our customers:

·         Felbinac BP

We have learned from various websites that you are a potential manufacturer of these items. We hope that you will be interested to explore your business of the requested items along with your other item in our market.


We are looking forward to your response.

Thank you.



Noor-E-Raihan Nisa

Business Development Executive



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